Closing Out 2017 Dive Season

A postcard day greeted us as the Cee Ray left the dock in Long Beach, headed for Catalina. This was our final charter of the year and we were determined to have a good day. And we did, in spite moderate swell and some strong currents at the dive sites. Eagle eyed Chris spotted two octopuses, abalone and lobster were abundant. No Giant Sea Bass but a harbor seal and sea lions visited our divers from time to time. Certification day for four brand new divers!!

Speaking of Giant Sea Bass, imagine hanging out with five Giant Sea Bass on your certification dive! Well, that’s exactly what happened the next Saturday at Casino Point. The big guys were rampant and docile, seemingly posing for our cameras. At one point 5 big ones were milling around, allowing close encounters. Senoritas were darting in, cleaning the big guys of parasites. Of course I didn’t have my camera but several others did and snapped away throughout the dive. In addition, we spotted a good sized barracuda, clouds of blacksmith 

Casino point continues to be a favorite site for both certifieds and dive classes, evidenced by the crowd there. We chatted with many friends and colleagues during surface intervals and finished the day with two more new certified divers. Congratulations to Srdjan Stakic, Kevin Lewis, Iona  Brokie, and Lauren Chu on their new certifications!!!

Interested in a trip over in December? Drop us an email and let’s pick a date!

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Riding the Raptor

A group of intrepid divers set out bright and early from Ventura Harbor on October 7th for a highly anticipated return to explore some of the dive sites along the northern channel islands. The Raptor is a small, fast dive boat which can cross the channel in just under an hour, given the right conditions. Unlike last year’s tumultuous journey, the crossing was perfection; not a wave in sight. Still, flat waters and a bright shining sun gave the divers a gorgeous hour of sunbathing before taking the plunge into 64 degree waters.

We enjoyed three beautiful dives at Anacapa Island: Cathedral Cove, Caverns, and the wreck of paddle boat Winfield Scott. Temperatures were great for the location (mid-sixties) and the kelp was healthy in most areas. We had plentiful sitings of sea critters throughout the day. Bat rays, heaps of lobster (over 12 in one crevasse!), kelp fish, garabaldi and even a shy sea lion who trailed a couple of divers at Cathedral Cove but opted not to play with us.

At Cathedral Cove, we were surprised by a pretty strong current which made for a bracing swim from the boat to the site. I like to think of it as the justification for eating more than my share of snacks and lunch throughout the day! Surge built throughout the day and reduced visibility close to shore, but otherwise, it was a pretty clear day underwater. It was another perfect day of diving in Souther California at some locations that we rarely get to visit. We sure are lucky to have all of this abundance right in our back yard! When next year’s calendar is announced, make sure you get a spot on this trip!


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Diver Helps Injured Shark

You’ve heard of turtles and dolphins approaching humans in distress only to find out that they need help from something with ten digits and opposable thumbs?  Well, a local Florida television station heard from a diver who recently witnessed an encounter between an ailing lemon shark and a seasoned, shark professional!

You can check out some video footage of the encounter and read about this marine encounter here courtesy of Nice to see man overcoming a mostly, pervasive human fear of these fishy predators!

Finally, A Scientific Justification for Peeing in Your Wet Suit!!!

Good news for all of us who occasionally loose our bladders while diving! You can now release yourself from shame, guilt, or recrimination for this little urinary indiscretion. Scientists have come up with an explanation about what causes this momentary lapse in good hygiene standards. And guess what? All mammals do it! Check out this repost below and follow the links to the to learn more!

What Science Says About Peeing in Your Wetsuit
If you have a beating heart, you pee in your wetsuit.  Scientists are aware you urinate in your wetsuit. While many people feel like this is weird, it’s completely natural. It’s the norm amongst surfers and divers – even if they don’t all admit to it. As a waterman, you’re experiencing a unique underwater phenomenon called immersion diuresis. Don’t panic though. There is a totally legit scientific reason    for this.
So, why do we pee in our wetsuits and what is actually happening inside your body?
Immersion diuresis, which literally means “water loss due to immersion,” is the culprit behind that urge to pee when you are in the water. Whether you are surfing, Scuba diving, or just going for a swim, the lower temperature and increased pressure of the surrounding water makes you pee. It’s really as simple as that.
Immersion diuresis is a physiological response to being submerged in water and it’s actually part of the Mammalian Dive Reflex. When the body is immersed in water the colder temperatures and increased pressure from the surrounding environment causes a narrowing of the blood vessels (vasoconstriction) in your extremities. As a result of this vasoconstriction, your body moves blood volume away from your skin and extremities and redistributes it towards your core areas.
This increased blood volume, which is sent directly to your vital organs, triggers the inhibition of a vasopressin hormone that regulates the production of urine by the kidneys called anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). ADH essentially controls how much urine your kidneys produce and the increased blood volume being sent to your core areas tricks the body into thinking that there is a fluid overload (which kinda makes sense because you are surrounded by water). As a result, the body stops making ADH which triggers the kidneys to produce urine in an attempt to regain the fluid balance (ie. homeostasis) caused by that increased blood volume. So this is what really makes you pee in your wetsuit.
Now that you know this, peeing in your wetsuit is a totally legit thing to do – really it’s science. You have permission to no longer feel weird or ashamed. All the cool kids are doing it. Just make sure that you drink a lot of water before and after your session to avoid dehydration!

Seal of Approval

One of the best reasons to dive Catalina is the variety: the variety of animals, the variety of dive sites, the variety of underwater terrain. If you want to explore a kelp forest, or search the sandy areas for bat rays, or look deep into rocky crags for eels, it’s all available at Catalina—sometimes in one dive site!
Over Labor Day weekend, the Barnacle Busters took a group of newly certified divers, students and long-time members aboard the Cee Ray for another fantastic summer day. We were all eagerly waiting for our first dive; some had new cameras to test out, some had new computers or masks they were breaking in. I was eager too, but that didn’t stop me from climbing into a bunk for an hour-long snooze on the way to the island after a hearty breakfast!
Our first stop was Johnson’s Rock and the kelp forest there was something to behold! After seeing these areas just a few short years ago with zero kelp, it’s such a huge relief to see them thriving and strong again. We spent our whole dive in the forest, working our way along the rocky edge where it was exceptionally healthy. I stopped to have a deeper look and was rewarded with a juvenile spotted shark sleeping under a rocky overhang. There were plenty of abalone around as well, so I took a moment to feed one some kelp.
From there we moved to Black Rock and our surface interval was spent munching down on some Monkey Bread, a Cee Ray specialty! Yum … Black Rock happens to be one of those all-in-one dive sites. There are the sandy areas, the rocky crags, the kelp forest, pretty much everything something for everyone.
This dive started a bit awkwardly with some computer failure and other malfunctions threatening to abort the dive. I took one buddy back to the surface and then went back for the others, but they had left the spot where I had left them (they had malfunctions of their own as it turned out). I decided to circle the area for signs of them and felt a tug on my fin. Thinking it might be one of my buddies, I turned to find a Harbor Seal looking at me like he wanted to play. I grabbed my GoPro and got it rolling as I tried to follow the seal through the kelp. It was too fast for me, so I switched off the camera and headed back to where I was and then I saw the seal again below me turning over abalone shells, looking for a meal. I switched the camera back on, and the seal gave me a little show, not at all bashful like others I’d seen at Catalina. After a few minutes and a couple more tugs on my fins, the seal left, on to more distractions. But I was exhilarated!
Once we were all on board, we discussed our various gear misfortunes and misunderstandings and made plans for the next dive, which would also be at Black Rock. While variety is a big bonus, sometimes there are good reasons to stay and dive at the same site. In this case, other sites we had looked at along the way had currents that would have made the diving difficult, so best to stay where the conditions are best. Plus, I may get to see that little seal again! While the seal was a no-show for round two, we still saw plenty: a shy-but-curious octopus, several bat rays hovering by, a few juvenile sharks napping and a ton of sea hares!
Back on board we ate dessert and had video show-and-tell on our laptops before retiring to the bunks for a ride-home snooze.
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Who’s Got the Marshmallows?

To me, the humble S’more is the heartbeat of any camping trip. Without it, the weekend would be an empty shell. Luckily, we had plenty of ‘em around Saturday night’s campfire at Leo Carrillo State Beach. We had milk chocolate s’mores and dark chocolate s’mores and strawberry s’mores, all to top off a fabulous dinner supplied by our own Alex Collett.

But the weekend wasn’t just about the food. No, it was about camaraderie, friendship, sunsets and beachcombing. One thing I love about diving is how it brings together people of all demographics. Lawyers and dancers, students and forest rangers, musicians and therapists, veterinarians and computer geeks all sitting around a blazing fire pit, laughing and swapping tales.

Saturday and Sunday found most of us on the beach searching for sea glass, seashells, agates and other interesting rocks. The perfect weather lent itself to beachcombing: blue skies, cooling breeze and small surf. Last winter’s storms eroded a lot of the beach, leaving broad stretches of water worn stones, a hunter’s paradise.

Waves were small enough for easy surf entries, but only Matt Bokach brought dive gear. Dying to dive, he searched for a buddy, even approaching strangers, moving from campsite to campsite in search of a tank…Alas, he had to settle for hanging out with us, the landlocked.

For the first time is several years, Thomas and Greg set up their “taj mahal,” complete with full bar and colored lanterns…so civilized! 11 year olds Ella and Josephine took charge of organizing the S’more production line and competed with Chris for the most glorious agates on the beach. Sharon & Nixie focused on sea glass when not shepherding Grace and Penny (Arf,) and Yuki colored his hair especially for the event.

It was fun having Judy Carter back after an absence of many years, and meeting her girlfriend Anna. Others just came for the day and dinner, Craig & Neil, whose new home is just up the road and Jeff Thorin, still jet lagged from Europe.

And so ends yet another fabulous weekend at Leo Carrillo. This year marks the Barnacle Busters’ 20th trip to this local state park and we look forward to many many more!!


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The Blue Planet Sequel Trailer is Here!!!!

Ok, we may be a little late to the table, but we’re still SUPER excited to find out that the sequel to the BBC documentary Blue Planet is under way.

The emmy-winning original was a visually stunning introduction of the teaming biodiversity to be found in the earth’s largest natural habitat and a great introduction to all those humans who perhaps never gave the undersea world much thought. For many of us, it encouraged us to further our adventures through diving and seek out first hand experiences like we saw on the screen. For others, it was a wake up call to get involved in efforts to preserve as much of that biodiversity as possible through efforts both great and small. And for some, it was a call to finally strike out on the journey to scuba certification, after putting it off time and again. Whatever the response, it is arguably one of the most masterful examples of nature documentation produced to date.

Now we can look forward a further installment which promises even more discovery with more incredible visuals from the world’s marine environment. You can check out the link to to see an introduction of new or original footage narrated by Sir Richard Attenborough here.

Accessorized Black Sea Bass Alert!

We just received word about some very special Black Sea Bass who are roaming our underwater hood. If you spot one of them let someone know, but don’t attempt to take away a bass’ unusual bling! Read the email below!
Researchers at Cal State Long Beach have tagged 34 Black Sea Bass over the summer and it’s certainly possible that your divers may come across them and mistake the tag for a float or something that shouldn’t be there. I’m hoping you’ll pass this e-mail along to your followers so they’ll know not to try to remove the tags and can pass any sightings or info along to the researchers. The research is being done by Alyssa Clevenstine ( under the supervision of Dr. Chris Lowe (
One of my divers saw a tagged BSB in the Underwater Park this weekend (didn’t try to remove the tag but didn’t know what it was) which is what got this conversation started. Here’s the note from Alyssa along with photos from Mike Couffer ( as to what the tags look like. (Please give a photo credit to Mike if you use the image.)
“I’m glad to hear no one attempted to remove the tag – it is darted into the animal so trying to take it out would have done far more harm than good. This is the method our lab uses for to tag a variety of large-bodied fish. The transmitters are quite small, about the size of an A23 battery with a small cap at one end to attach the transmitter to the rest of the tag. I completed tagging for my project in August, so I will have to hope any divers and anglers that encounter the 34 tagged animals will leave them be. If you or any members of the dive community have any questions or information, feel free to pass along my email – I’d love to hear from them!”
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Humans Helping Out

Interested in a story about how man can interact in a positive way with the much maligned, elusive shark? Check out the link below for a story from about a persistent lemon shark who recognized a diver as a potential ally in his plight for assistance. This lucky shark happened on just the right diver for aide and we do not recommend you try this yourself. It’s certainly interesting to note that even the most intimidating of creatures can show their need and vulnerability from time to time.

Cee Ray Adventure

The heat wave we’ve been experiencing this year has made our work-a-day world nearly intolerable. Up to triple digits for weeks on end can put people in the worst moods. But what great conditions for diving! The cool breeze was so refreshing and being out on the water with the sun beating down was a little piece of heaven.

We boarded the Cee Ray around 6:30AM, just in time for breakfast! We set up our tanks, ate scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes, then found our bunks to rest up for the day of diving.

Our first stop was Black Rock, which was a very nice first dive, nothing too challenging so we could get used to the conditions. The first thing I noticed was the kelp—it was everywhere! I couldn’t help but want to swim through it. Tons of kelp fish and sheephead were hiding from the sun and below were more abalone than I’d seen in awhile as well. After seeing the devastation from last year when this same spot was like a lunar landscape, I was relieved and thrilled to see so much greenery. There was so much of it, we spent nearly the entire dive navigating our way through.

Lulu Reef is fast becoming one of our favorite spots to dive, so we spent the next two dives exploring the three pinnacles. Here is nearly every kind of critter you could hope to see with so many crags and crevices and tiny swim throughs for them to hide in. Not to mention the sandy areas where we spotted several bat rays nestled into the sand. You know they’re around somewhere when you see the indentations in the sand where they’ve been sleeping. I find I can get fairly close without them being disturbed, but once they start to rise up, you know you’ve gone too close. One of the most graceful creatures to see gliding through the water, I could watch them endlessly.

Back at the pinnacles, I spotted a small octopus tucked into a crag alongside an urchin. I know a lot of people see octopus fairly regularly around Catalina, but I’ve only ever seen one, and that was at Casino Point, so I was thrilled with the find! As I tried to get my GoPro closer for a better shot, it would squeeze in closer to the urchin, which must not have been very comfortable. But as I backed away, its little eyes would pop up to see what I was up to. Very curious! Further down the crag, we found many morays, some sharing space with another moray. And in one area, I noticed two tiny cleaner shrimp dancing away in front of an eel.

The garibaldi were super aggressive, guarding their nests. And they seemed to photo bomb every shot I took! As I would try to capture a shot of some lobster hotel, a huge garibaldi would stick its face right into the lens. Grrr! Stop that!

My favorite moment though was when I spotted a couple of other divers hovering low, focusing on something. We swam over and they pointed at… another octopus! Amazing! Not just one, but two in one day! I was over the moon! I got excellent footage as it moved along, taking on the patina of its surroundings. So hypnotic!

Although the visibility was a bit on the murky side, the temps were low 70’s so they were all comfortable dives. We did catch a chill or two going below 60 feet, so we kept it to around 40 most of the time.

Once we were back onboard, the excellent chef Kim had an amazing meal for us and later we hit the bunks for a quick snooze on the way back.

I do have to give it up for the Cee Ray: they treat everyone like family. From the friendliness of the dive masters they choose, to the kitchen staff, to the owners, they are some of the nicest people you could meet. One of the main missions for Barnacle Busters is to find gay-friendly environments in which to indulge our underwater passions, and the Cee Ray is as good as it gets.

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