A group of intrepid divers set out bright and early from Ventura Harbor on October 7th for a highly anticipated return to explore some of the dive sites along the northern channel islands. The Raptor is a small, fast dive boat which can cross the channel in just under an hour, given the right conditions. Unlike last year’s tumultuous journey, the crossing was perfection; not a wave in sight. Still, flat waters and a bright shining sun gave the divers a gorgeous hour of sunbathing before taking the plunge into 64 degree waters.
We enjoyed three beautiful dives at Anacapa Island: Cathedral Cove, Caverns, and the wreck of paddle boat Winfield Scott. Temperatures were great for the location (mid-sixties) and the kelp was healthy in most areas. We had plentiful sitings of sea critters throughout the day. Bat rays, heaps of lobster (over 12 in one crevasse!), kelp fish, garabaldi and even a shy sea lion who trailed a couple of divers at Cathedral Cove but opted not to play with us.
At Cathedral Cove, we were surprised by a pretty strong current which made for a bracing swim from the boat to the site. I like to think of it as the justification for eating more than my share of snacks and lunch throughout the day! Surge built throughout the day and reduced visibility close to shore, but otherwise, it was a pretty clear day underwater. It was another perfect day of diving in Souther California at some locations that we rarely get to visit. We sure are lucky to have all of this abundance right in our back yard! When next year’s calendar is announced, make sure you get a spot on this trip!