Well, another CSW festival has come and gone. While we’re all exhausted and ready for some relaxation, it’s hard not to be excited about how well everything went for the club.
First of all, a big, hearty “Thank You” to everyone who came out to help support the club presence over the weekend. YOU are the reason we have so many great potential recruits for the coming year. Without your encouragement and enthusiasm, many potential new divers would have simply walked on past our booth.
This year we had over 250 people stop by and express interest in becoming part of our LGBTQ scuba family. Even accounting those chronic festival “signers” and those too high to know what they were signing, we should be able to look forward to banner year of new friendly faces to welcome on our upcoming underwater adventures! Of special note this year, was a particularly high number of already certified divers who had been looking for a group of people to dive with in 2017.
Thanks again to all those who helped make the weekend such a success. Now come on out, get wet, and meet some of your new dive buddies!