Luckily for all you sweaty sisters out there Barnacle Busters has the event for you this month!
We start off the month with the West Hollywood PRIDE festival. We are still looking for a few more volunteers who are willing to join our crew of goodwill dive ambassadors at our information booth. Come on out and meet potential dive buddies with us!
Our monthly club meeting will take place in Silver Lake and features a club video for all the non-member guests that we hope to have after our PRIDE recruitment. Come show this “dive-curious” crowd just what a great group of people we divers truly are. Our third event this month is SPLASH Day. This open event/pool party allows non-divers to strap on a tank and try scuba for free, before ever committing to a certification class. The perfect setup to lure all your friends and family into becoming future divers! Lapsed divers can also enjoy a no-stress chance to reacquaint themselves the sport or test out new gear. All of this is combined with a barbecue/cookout, heck we’ll even throw in a couple of beers too. Best of all, it’s all free! BTW – July will offer 2 dive opportunities (p7), so make sure you secure a spot before they sell out
In case you were otherwise occupied, there is a brief recap of last month’s club events. Thanks to everyone who helped to make the a success! Our winter trip to the exotic dive destination of Palau is half sold out already.
Take another look at this great deal and commit to joining us before it’s too late! Lastly, please enjoy a couple of links to undersea exploration concerning a population explosion and discoveries from deep in the Mariana Trench. Now go get wet!